Special Offers
Thrive in 2025 with our Boxing Day sale - a $0 joining fee!
Start the new year with a commitment to your health and wellbeing.
For a limited time, enjoy a $0 joining fee and kickstart your fitness journey at one of the City's world-class pools and gyms*.
PLUS receive a FREE towel and water bottle when you sign up!
With a 360 Membership, you’ll gain access to world-class fitness facilities, heated pools, group exercise classes, and more – giving you the flexibility to prioritise your health, on your terms.
Why choose a 360 Membership?
Joining is easy!
Select your preferred membership plan
Complete your registration and start enjoying the benefits of being a 360 member.
Don't miss out - the Boxing Day sale runs from 26 December to 31 January!
Join the revolution and thrive in 2025 with a 360 Membership.
*Terms and conditions apply.