Lane Availability
Whether you want to do gentle water exercises or practice competitive strokes, our pools are here to help you reach your health and wellbeing goals.
- Available
- Booked
Our community uses our world-class pools for a range of recreational purposes and exercise needs.
We keep a minimum of four lanes available for casual lap and leisure swimming at all times*.
*Exceptions apply, including (but not limited to) school swimming carnivals, events, and aquatic hirers.
Lane etiquette
At each of our pools, signage is positioned at the end of each lap lane indicating the appropriate use for swimmers in that lane.
For a safe and enjoyable swimming environment, please also remember:
Keep to the left of the lane.
In order to pass a swimmer in front, swim past on the right.
If you have to move across any lanes please check both directions before moving. Please go under the lane ropes rather than over them.
Move to the corners of the lanes to allow other swimmers to continue swimming laps if you are waiting or resting at the end of the pool.
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