Victoria Park Pool


The pool will temporarily close on 23 September and is expected to reopen on 19 October. The gym at Victoria Park Pool will remain open throughout these works.

50m pool at Victoria Park Pool

Published Sun, 15 Sept 2024

Outdoor Swimming Pool

Victoria Park Pool will temporarily close from 23 September for just under 4 weeks while we upgrade the pool heating system so it can be powered by 100% renewable electricity.

The City of Sydney is committed to tackling climate change and cutting carbon emissions, and we’re transitioning away from the use of polluting fossil fuels at our public facilities.

Efficient electric heat pumps will replace the aging gas pool heating equipment and the toddler pool will be resurfaced.

The gym at Victoria Park Pool will remain open throughout these works and fitness classes will continue on site.

People who attend aqua aerobics classes at Victoria Park Pool will be offered classes at nearby pools.

Members have access to four other aquatic and fitness centres during this period. Members can also suspend their membership while the centre is closed.

Prince Alfred Park Pool in Surry Hills is the closest outdoor City of Sydney pool.

This essential upgrade will ensure our treasured community pool can be enjoyed by locals and visitors this summer, and for many more summers to come.

The pool will temporarily close on 23 September and is expected to reopen on 19 October.

For more information on the project, visit the City's website.


Closure details

What happens to my membership?