Prince Alfred Park Pool is the perfect spot to unwind and recharge, featuring an outdoor 50m pool and a shaded grandstand.

What’s happening at Prince Alfred Park Pool

We're really easy to find

105 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills

1300 198 412Directions and transport
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Personal trainer assists participant with dumbbell bench press in the fitness centre at Cook + Phillip Park Pool
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Join the revolution


Our centre is designed to provide fitness and leisure opportunities for all members of our diverse community.

  • Ramped access to centre

  • Ramped access to 50m pool

  • Pool hoist

  • Aqua wheelchair available on-site

  • Accessible change rooms

  • Family change rooms

  • Access Key

Learn more about accessibility features and programs

Download our access key

The Access Key information guide provides information, prediction, structure, orientation, and sensory integration to help visitors with Autism, cognitive disability, intellectual disability, dementia, and Alzheimer’s to familiarise themselves with the facility and plan their journey ahead of time, online.

50m lap swimming pool at Prince Alfred Park Pool

Aquatic Facilities

50m Pool

Outdoor, 9 lanes, heated all-year-round

Children playing in the splash pad with water fountains at Prince Alfred Park Pool

Aquatic Facilities

Splash Pad

Swimming and aquatics

Prince Alfred Park is home to a 50m heated, outdoor pool and a splash pad with water features for kids.